Vendor and Computer Forensics Services

Vendor and Computer Forensics Services

Vendor and Computer Forensics Services

Project Name: Vendor and Computer Forensics Services

Description: This blog will help all forensics investigator for Evidence Collection and Data Seizure

Author: Rohit D Sadgune

Frequently Asked Question on Computer Forensics Investigation

  • Checklist of Vendor and Computer Forensics Services


  1. Make sure your computer forensics service provides an analysis of computers and data in criminal investigations.
  1. Make sure your computer forensics service provides an on-site seizure of computer data in criminal investigations.
  2. Make sure your computer forensics service provides an analysis of computers and data in civil litigation.
  3. Make sure your computer forensics service provides an on-site seizure of computer data in civil litigation.
  4. Make sure your computer forensics service provides an analysis of the company computers to determine employee activity.
  5. Make sure your computer forensics service provides assistance in preparing electronic discovery requests.
  6. Make sure your computer forensics service provides reporting in a comprehensive and readily understandable manner.
  7. Make sure your computer forensics service provides court-recognized computer expert witness testimony.
  8. Make sure your computer forensics service conducts computer forensics on both PC and MAC platforms.
  9. Make sure your computer forensics service provides a fast turnaround time.
  10. Have procedures in place to employ the latest tools and techniques to recover your data.
  11. Have procedures in place to allow you to find your files and restore them for your use.
  12. Have procedures in place to allow you to recover even the smallest remaining fragments.
  13. Have procedures in place to safeguard your data with such methods as encryption and backup.
  14. Have procedures in place to thoroughly clean sensitive data from any computer system you plan on disposing of.
  15. Have procedures in place to survey your business and provide guidance for improving the security of your information. This includes such possible information leaks as cordless telephones, cellular telephones, trash, employees, and answering machines.
  16. Be cognizant of the IP address limitations for determining the possible attribution of the event you are investigating. Although this process will educate the administrator on how to characterize the threat to his or her company from analyzing IP addresses that appear in the logs, a complete determination of the threat your organization faces is a more involved process.
  17. Have procedures in place to investigate the possibility of staffing a professional competitive intelligence cell in your company or sponsoring an assessment of the threat to your company’s systems from a group of intelligence and information security specialists.
  18. Have procedures in place to know what the threat against your system is as well as its vulnerabilities.


Core Working Areas :- Threat Intelligence, Digital Forensics, Incident Response, Fraud Investigation, Web Application Security Technical Certifications :- Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator | Certified Ethical Hacker | Certified Cyber crime investigator | Certified Professional Hacker | Certified Professional Forensics Analyst | Redhat certified Engineer | Cisco Certified Network Associates | Certified Firewall Solutions | Certified Network Monitoring Solution | Certified Proxy Solutions

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